
My lame efforts as a roadblock

I have a tendency to let the advice of other people sway the way I think or feel about decisions in my life. I'm not sure if this comes from a desire to please other people or just indecisiveness but either way, it has brought on many tears of confusion over the years. Now there are definitely moments when I need to listen to those words of wisdom from friends and family since I'm often overwhelmed with the emotions of my decisions and in need of a different perspective. But sometimes those friends and family are just as emotionally changed about the situations as I am.

So today I sought out counsel regarding the timing of missions training and received exactly what I was looking for. My best friend was able to sort through all my frustrations, worries and fears and point me in the right direction. What she pointed out to me was that my desire to have God work out all the logistics had caused me to stop doing anything. I had it in my mind that the Nov. training period wouldn't work out with my work schedule and had set my eyes on June instead. Because of this, I hadn't tried very hard to open the appropriate doors to make Nov. happen even if God decided to close them until June. My fear had caused me freeze.

With her practical advice on what to do, I can honestly say that I have done (and am doing) everything in my control to allow God to work out the logistics. I am no longer acting out of fear. I am at peace with Nov or June. God will prepare me for either.


Anonymous said...

i love you.

Anonymous said...

I will pray that your heart and mind stays open to either Nov or June. Whatever time works out know it is the right time for you. It is where your heart is and where you should be now and later. I admire you for pursuing this whole heartedly and I know it is scary but you can do it. The changes will be hard but you will find it all worth it once you are doing what you love. I will be praying for you. Love you lots.