
Lowest of all things (in my opinion)

I hate moths with a passion. When there is a moth in the room I can't concentrate on anything other than the death of it. And I mean death! Grabbing it and throwing it outside isn't sufficient since it could find it's way back into my life again. I've been known to scream and run out of the room when these things get close to me. I've been told stories about people having moths in their ears and I am left with the chills - actually just thinking about it again makes me cringe. I think those dusty, blind, useless insects need to be completely exterminated. I'm sure they have a reason but none that I can see and trust me there isn't one. Oh and they put holes in my clothes! Those wretched things! Here's a picture I took tonight of the two moths that were sitting on the light fixtures in our kitchen. For some weird reason, I kind of like this picture - it almost makes those sick little creatures look good. (Almost)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are too funny
