
To whom I cling

The musty yet sweet fragrance of rain is so calming after a long day of work. Thank you for filling my world with refreshment for three evenings in a row. Makes me want to sit in our hammock all night long.

My camera doesn't do your beautiful sunsets justice. Even though it's dangerous, I can't keep my eyes off your masterpieces when I'm driving. Thank you for allowing me to stand in awe of your splendor so frequently. Please guard me from apathy toward your creation.

Wow! And I think I know what's going on in the world. Thank you for being trustworthy when man isn't. As fearful as I am in trusting you, I can rest assured that You always have my best in mind. Nothing can hide itself from you - "Therefore, do not fear them. There is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be know." (NKJV, Matt. 10:26)

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