

As long as I can remember, music has moved me. When I was in junior high (the very impressionable age), I could not wait for 10:00 pm so that I could tune my radio to KKRD 107.3 and listen to the Top 10 voted songs of the night. I was ever obsessed enough to call in and actually vote. But to have all of my favorite songs played in a 60 minute period was a once-in-a-lifetime moment (or maybe a 5-times-a-week moment). Even during those times, it was all I could do to keep from jumping around my room "trying" to dance. Especially since I was hoping that I would be able to practice enough in order to avoid making a fool of myself at next years Homecoming, and try to memorize all the words so that I could sing along at the top of my lungs.

During these late night dance parties was when I began perfecting the talent of listening to a song only once and having at least the chorus completely memorized. (By the way, this drives a lot of my friends crazy! And actually, it kind of bothers me too when I'm trying to surf the radio but I keep getting stuck on songs I know and don't really like. Sorry, I'll get back to the point.) But when I come upon a set of lyrics that send chills down my back, that I can't sing loud enough to, or that keep me from singing all together, my hand starts fumbling for the pen and paper in hopes of recapturing a moment that deserves to be held onto forever.

I had one of those today. Here is what I heard and what I hope will resound in my head for many days to come:

Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle (emphasis added by myself)

To the cross I look, to the cross I cling
Of it's offering I do drink
Of it's work I do sing
On it my Savior both bruised and crushed
Showed that God is love and God is just

At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees and I am
Lost for words so lost in love I'm
Sweetly broken wholly surrendered.

What a priceless gift undeserved life
Have I been given through Christ crucified
You've called me out of death
You've called me into life
When I was under Your wrath
Through the cross I'm reconciled

In awe of the cross I must confess
How wondrous is Your redeeming love
How great is Your faithfulness.

In eternity, I will be found with my arms stretched out wide, my head tilted upward toward my Savior's beautiful face and crying out these words at the stop of my lungs. (I could DEFINITELY sing this song for eternity!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just randomly searching google for this song, and the first place I found the lyrics was on your blog here. I was searching for, "to the cross I" because I could only remember that the song began with those words, to the cross I... something. I have sang this whole song at my church, and for some reason I always forget that the few words at the beginning of this song that get stuck in my head belong to this masterpiece of a melody.

Finding this song through your blog, and accompanied by your story was a great blessing. Thank you :)

I hope to see you in heaven when all of our brothers and sisters are singing this together.

God bless.

Your brother in Christ,