
We are Art

There are many times that I find myself defending Art. As a culture, we have many different ways of participating in art but we don't always acknowledge it as such. I've heard people say before that they aren't very interested in art but I would have them answer the following questions:

Do you watch movies?
Do you decorate your house or landscape?
Do you enjoy listening to music?
Do you like to shop for clothes?

If you have answered 'yes' to any of these questions then you participate in art. Of course there are other forms of art such as dance or painting but these are only two of the many forms that we see around us.

In Refractions by NavPress, Makoto Fujimura talks about art in a way that I have never heard of before. He talks about how it has impacted his life and the lives of those around him. What is also very interesting is that he talks about having lived through 9/11 since he lives a few blocks from Ground Zero. He shares how his art has become even more of a source of self expression after that event.

If you are even remotely interested in art, this is definitely a great book.

1 comment:

allijack said...

awesome! i have heard about this makoto. excited to check out the book. yes, everyone is involved in art in some way. so often people think that if they can't draw, they're not an artist. God created us all in his image, which is inherently a creative one.