
Filling my reserves

Yesterday, I read a blog by John Ortberg about being consistent in filling up my reserves. You know, those spiritual tanks that we pull from throughout the day. It's when those tanks get low that we start to do things on our own strength, we become discontent with the things we're doing and we are more easily tempted to sin. These tanks are very important and quality time (not just quantity) with God on a daily basis will keep these tanks overflowing.

I've been pondering this concept for the last 24 hours and it seems like every where I turn things remind me of this post. God, are you trying to tell me something? Recently life has become quite busy and I've had to be VERY disciplined in order to be sure that I'm still getting time with God in the mornings.

(Insert sidenote: Now some of you know that I'm not really a morning person but I've found after living with several morning people that it's one of the best times of the day for me. While I do hate having to get out of that warm, cozy bed, I am able to get quality with God before all the other mental distractions cloud my thoughts. Close sidenote.)

All that said, this morning I really needed to hear from God. I wanted to experience Him and be filled up again. I occasionally read from Morning and Evening, a devotional by Charles H. Spurgeon, and a portion of the devo centered around the verse "I will pour water on the thirsty land." (Isaiah 44:3) went like this: Water refreshes the thirsty: you shall be refreshed; your desires shall be gratified. Water awakens sleeping vegetable life: your life shall be quickened by fresh grace. Water swells the buds and makes the fruits ripen; you shall have fructifying grace: you shall be made fruitful in the ways of God. Whatever good quality there is in divine grace, you shall enjoy it to the full. All the riches of divine grace you shall receive in plenty; you shall be, as it were, drenched with it: and as sometimes the meadows become flooded by the bursting rivers, and the fields are turned into pools, so shall you be - the thirst land shall be springs of water.
Exactly what I needed to hear. And at that point, God reminded me of a section of scripture that my grandmother, probably my hero spiritually, has memorized and quotes regularly - Isaiah 43. After reading this, my heart is full.

God, You are so good! It is because of Your Son that I am able to be called Your child and receive the peace which only comes from being washed clean from sin. Help me to remember today the words which You said through Isaiah, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine," and help me to live today as one who is filled up because of who you say I am.